Roadside Station Agripal Shiobara


Nasushiobara Agripal offers a wide variety of local agricultural products, fresh foods, specialty items, and freshly baked bread.

The shiitake mushrooms, in particular, were exceptionally tasty with a firm texture and rich flavor!

They were sold out by the time we were leaving, so if you find them, I highly recommend buying them immediately.

Rice Paddy Art

The rice paddy art located right next to Agripal.

After placing a 100 yen cooperation fee into the donation box, you can climb the stairs to a viewpoint where you can overlook the rice paddy art.


2024 Rice Paddy Art

Are there any characters you recognize?

There is another rice paddy art about 100 meters away.


In the photo, the artwork in the background is the Shiobara character art from earlier.

From here, it’s hard to tell what it is.

Flying Melon

On TV, it was introduced that this roadside station grows "flying melons."

Although it's not open to the public, you can still take a look.

When I peeked inside the greenhouse that I was told about,

Yes, it's flying.

How it is flying?

Here's the picture from their HP

Rather than flying, they were floating.

You can purchase fresh koppe bread with floating melons at Agripal Shiobara.

The harmony of melon and cream is perfect. The melon is even sweeter than the cream!


Duration of stay here:  90 minutes

Recommendation rating:  ★★★★★


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