Sightseeing area


Take the Cable Car and Go! Enjoy Nature and Delicious Treats on the Mitake Mountain Hike!

On the Mount Mitake hike, explore Musashi Mitake Shrine and the 1,000-year-old Jindai Keyaki tree, then enjoy stunning views at the Rock Garden and Ayahiro Waterfall. Take the cable car up the steepest incline in the Kanto region and experience a refreshing trek that blends nature and history!

Just the Gate!? An Unexpected Turn at Jufuku-ji Temple! Jufuku-ji Temple Main Gate

旅好きの皆さん、こんにちは! 今回は鎌倉にある歴史あるお寺、寿福寺を目指してみました。…が、到着してびっくり! 門をくぐると、そこには静かで落ち着いた雰囲気の長い参道が広がっています。 寿福寺はどこだ!? 参道を進みながら、「あれ、寿福寺は...

Praying for Success at Sasuke Inari Shrine! ...Wait, why are there so many foxes!? 🦊⛩️

Sasuke Inari Shrine in Kamakura is a power spot known for its blessings of success and good fortune. Experience the otherworldly atmosphere surrounded by nature, as you walk through the path lined with red torii gates and are greeted by countless Inari fox statues!

Boost Your Financial Luck in Kamakura!? A Trip to Zeniarai Benzaiten Almost Ended in a Smartphone Soaking!

Hello, fellow travel lovers! Today, I visited Zeniarai Benzaiten, one of Kamakura’s popular power spots. After a wild hike through Genjiyama Park, I made my way down the slope and arrived! The official name is Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine, but everyone fondly calls it "Zeniarai Benten."

A Hidden Healing Spot in Kamakura: The Flowers and Mysterious Wells of Kaizō-ji Temple


[Kamakura Sightseeing] A Wild Hiking Adventure in Genjiyama Park

Hiking in Kamakura’s Genjiyama Park! Feel the thrill of adventure as you tackle the steep Kewaizaka slope and visit the statue of Minamoto no Yoritomo. This walking course lets you experience the transition from the park’s tranquility to its lively atmosphere.

A Feast of Flowers! Enjoy Hydrangeas and Nature at Hasedera Temple in Kamakura

旅好きの皆さん、こんにちは! 今日は鎌倉の名所、長谷寺をご紹介します。 長谷寺の魅力:花の寺として知られる名所 鎌倉市に位置する長谷寺(はせでら)は、四季折々の自然の美しさと心の癒しを提供してくれる名所です。「花の寺」としても知られ、紫陽花...

The Feast of Flowers! Enjoy Hydrangeas, Roses, and Irises All at Once at Sagamihara Kita Park


Yagiri no Watashi – Is This Really a Ferry?! A Thrilling River Crossing Experience!


Tora-san Memorial Museum and Yoji Yamada Museum

Explore Shibamata by visiting the Tora-san Memorial Museum and the Yoji Yamada Museum! Experience the world of the Showa-era classic 'It's Tough Being a Man' through dioramas and film sets, and be amazed by the posters of all 50 films. A must-see spot for movie fans.