


Visited Toyosu Market! Showcased life-size tuna models and market highlights. You can learn about the early morning auctions and frozen tuna trading in the viewing area.

Experience the World of the Arctic and Antarctic! A Report from the National Institute of Polar Research Arctic and Antarctic Science Museum

At the National Institute of Polar Research’s Antarctic and Arctic Museum, you can touch real Antarctic ice and experience the Aurora in the Aurora Theater! Learn about the differences between the Antarctic and the Arctic, and don't miss the bronze statue of the Sakhalin dogs, companions of the explorers. It's a spot that will spark your intellectual curiosity.

Visiting Shinagawa Shrine’s Twin Dragon Torii in the Year of the Dragon

Visited Shinagawa Shrine, washed money in the Dragon's sacred water for good fortune! Then enjoyed freshly baked bread and handmade rice crackers in the shopping street.

A must-visit in the Year of the Dragon! The Ebara Shrine, where anything can come true.

We visited Ebara Shrine! We admired the dragon statue, perfect for the Year of the Dragon. With the shrine's blessings that grant all wishes, I had a feeling my wish would come true!

Toyosu Senkyakubanrai opened on February 1, 2024!

Visited Toyosu Senkyakubanrai on its second day! Amazed by the seafood bowls' prices and enjoyed exquisite broth at Odawara Rokuzemon. Relaxed in a footbath while exploring Toyosu Market."

Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple

Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple is a unique temple with an exotic atmosphere, featuring Indian-style architecture. If you're lucky, you can participate in the morning service, where the powerful chanting is sure to leave you in awe. It’s also conveniently located just a short walk from Tsukiji Market.

A Luxurious Day of Garden Strolls and Relaxation: HANA BIYORI & Kakei no Yu

今回の旅じゅんの冒険は、よみうりランドの「HANA BIYORI」とその敷地内にある「花景の湯」。自然とリラクゼーションを一緒に楽しむ、最高のコンビネーションです。 みうりランド眺望温泉 花景の湯は、2024年3月6日にオープンしました。 ...

A Springtime Stroll in Shinjuku Gyoen

3月下旬、春の訪れを感じながら新宿御苑に行ってきました。広々とした敷地内には、桜のつぼみが少しずつふくらみ始めていて、暖かな日差しの中をゆっくりと散策するのはとても気持ちが良かったです。 新宿御苑は、1906年(明治39年)に皇室の庭園とな...

Exotic Atmosphere at the Tokyo Camii & Turkish Culture Center

こんにちは、今日は東京の隠れた宝石、東京ジャーミイ・トルコ文化センターをご紹介します。 代々木上原駅から徒歩5分、都会の喧騒を抜けると突如として現れる異国情緒あふれる建物に、思わず目を疑ってしまいますよ! 日本最大のモスクで異国情緲を満喫 ...


こんにちは! 今日は東京の隠れた名所、東京都庁をご紹介します。「え?都庁?」と思われるかもしれませんが、実はここ、とっても面白い観光スポットなんです! 空中散歩気分で東京を一望! まず注目したいのが、なんといっても45階にある展望室です。こ...