Egao no Yu


The final stop of this trip is Egao no Yu Matsudo Yagiri branch.

The catchphrase is "Lots of smiles with a variety of baths!"

Therefore, I went to soothe my tired legs and back.

It's a weekday evening, but it's pretty crowded.

The carbonated hot spring was very popular, and as it got more crowded, I had to pull in my stretched-out legs (awkward smile).

Although I didn't use it this time, there was a dining area that was quite lively.


Time spent in the bath: 90 minutes.

Bath recommendation:  ★★★☆☆

A word from the Onsen Sommelier: "So relaxing!"

笑がおの湯 松戸矢切店 | 株式会社 コミュニティー京成
施設案内 「湯・食・美」がひとつになったやすらぎの空間をご提供いたします。北総線矢切駅徒歩1分、交通便利な癒しの湯で、「こころ」も「からだ」もリフレッシュ♪ 笑がおの時間をおたのしみください。 笑がおの湯から
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