Shiobara Hachimangu


Shiobara Hachimangu Shrine stands quietly within a serene forest in Nasu-Shiobara.

As you pass through the torii gate, you're greeted by a charming, moss-covered dragon.

A bridge spans the pond, allowing you to walk to the shrine in the center.

The famous upside-down cedar tree, designated as a natural monument, is a well-known feature here.

Unlike typical cedars, its branches hang downwards in an unusual shape. This ancient giant cedar is over 1,500 years old.

Here's what it looks like from the back. Comparing it to the person in the background, you can really see just how massive this tree is.

Feeling the history and strength of this tree that has lived for 1,500 years, I first prayed for the safety of my home, then for safe travels, and finally for world peace! I am grateful for the opportunity to offer my prayers here.

Duration of stay here:  30 minutes




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