Rediscovering the Charm of Tokyo! Ambitious Model Plan 1

Model Plan

Hello, fellow travel lovers! Today, I’d like to introduce you to a slightly unusual one-day trip that uncovers some of Tokyo’s hidden gems.

It’s an ambitious course where you can enjoy the lush greenery of Shinjuku Gyoen, the towering skyscrapers of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, the mystique of Islamic culture, and a traditional sento in a downtown neighborhood, all in one day, showcasing Tokyo’s diverse faces.

So, let’s rediscover the charm of Tokyo together!

Morning Serenity: Enjoy the Beauty of Japanese Tradition at Shinjuku Gyoen

At 9 a.m., I entered Shinjuku Gyoen right as it opened.

As I breathed in the cool morning air in the vast Japanese garden, it almost made me forget I was still in the city.

新宿御苑は、1906年(明治39年)に皇室の庭園となり、1949年国民公園として一般に公開されました。 3月に行って、冬のパンフレットを頂きました。 大木戸門入り口を入ると大きな温室があります。 松ぼっくりと彼岸花? オオベニゴウカンという

Lunchtime View: Free Observation Deck at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

About a 15-minute walk from Shinjuku Gyoen, next up is the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.

The view from the free observation deck on the 45th floor is breathtaking!

On a clear day, you can even see Mount Fuji!

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building
こんにちは! 今日は東京の隠れた名所、東京都庁をご紹介します。「え?都庁?」と思われるかもしれませんが、実はここ、とっても面白い観光スポットなんです! 空中散歩気分で東京を一望! まず注目したいのが、なんといっても45階にある展望室です。こ

Exotic Vibes: Experience the Middle Eastern Atmosphere at Tokyo Camii

After lunchtime, head over to Yoyogi-Uehara Station.

A 5-minute walk from the station, the sight of Tokyo Camii feels like stepping back in time.

At Japan’s largest mosque, which can accommodate up to 2,000 people, you can experience Islamic culture firsthand.

Tokyo Camii & Turkish Culture Center
こんにちは、今日は東京の隠れた宝石、東京ジャーミイ・トルコ文化センターをご紹介します。 代々木上原駅から徒歩5分、都会の喧騒を抜けると突如として現れる異国情緒あふれる建物に、思わず目を疑ってしまいますよ! 日本最大のモスクで異国情緲を満喫

Evening Relaxation: Hot Spring Vibes at Sakaeyu

To wrap up the day, head to Sakaeyu near Sasazuka Station.

Believe it or not, this place is an authentic hot spring!

Isn’t it pure luxury to soak in a real hot spring right in the heart of the city?

Refresh at Sakaeyu: Tokyo's Hidden Hot Spring Gem
旅好きの皆さん、こんにちは! 今日は東京の隠れた温泉スポット、渋谷笹塚温泉栄湯(さかえゆ)をご紹介します。 都会の喧騒から一歩離れた、笹塚駅から徒歩4分の場所にある、まさに都会のオアシスとも言える銭湯です。 東京ジャーミィからは徒歩20分。


How was that?

A one-day trip packed with nature, modern architecture, exotic culture, and downtown charm—all in the heart of Tokyo.

Be sure to give this course a try on your next day off!

You’re sure to discover a new side of Tokyo's charm!

Until next time, see you in the next travel report!

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