Yuppo no Sato


Yuppo no Sato features Japan's largest foot bath facility, with a 60-meter-long foot bath corridor, and is a healing spot surrounded by nature.

After paying the entrance fee of 250 yen, you enter the facility.


With my JAF membership card, I received a cute original tin magnet.

On the right side of the foot bath corridor, the water is lukewarm, while on the left side, it is hot.

Start by relaxing in the lukewarm water, then walk through the foot bath corridor with stimulating pebbles underfoot to reach the hot water.

While walking and wincing in pain, there were explanations about foot reflexology points.

The foot bath on the left side is so hot that the submerged parts turn red, but it feels great!

The sound of the intermittent spring suddenly erupting surprises me every time.


I spotted a mysterious white horse outside the window.

You can drink the hot spring water directly from the source.

Thinking it's good for health, I endured the salty taste and had two cups.

Yuppo no Sato offers an exceptionally relaxing foot bath experience. It's a must-visit spot when you come to Nasushiobara.

Duration of stay here:  50 minutes

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