Aritoshi Jinja (Ant Tunnel Shrine)


Decided to visit this shrine because of its unique naming.

It's located along a narrow street lined with shops. It's a small place but there is a parking spot next to it.

I've uncovered the mystery behind its name.

A long time ago, foreign envoys arrived and presented a challenging problem.

"They declared that if the problem remained unsolved, they would make Japan their vassal state."

The problem was to thread a single thread through the complex hole of a conch shell.

"It's said that a young Japanese deity solved this difficult problem, leaving the foreign envoys impressed with his wisdom as they fled back home."

The method is...

Pour honey into the shellfish's mouth. The honey flowed out through the shellfish's back hole, so the thread attached ant easily passed through the complex hole.

Duration of stay here:  20 minutes

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