Taya Cave


Taya Cave, located at Josenji Temple is a man-made horizontal cave.

The cave stretches approximately 570 meters in length, with around 250 reliefs hand-carved by ascetic monks. These reliefs can be seen on both walls and the ceiling.

At the entrance, after paying the admission fee, you will receive a brochure and a candle. Photography is prohibited beyond this point.

At the cave entrance, you place the candle on the tip of a long paddle-like stick and enter. It feels like the start of an exciting ritual or expedition.

If you move too quickly, the flame will go out, so proceed slowly. Initially, you may miss the wall carvings, but key points are well-lit with explanations.

You'll occasionally need to relight your candle as you proceed. Try to walk carefully to keep the flame alive—it's a fun challenge!

Completing a circuit inside the cave is believed to provide the same spiritual benefits as visiting all the carved sacred sites.


What an extraordinary experience! The cave really draws you in with its unique atmosphere. It's fascinating to think about how many ascetic monks carved these rocks and what their thoughts were. The carvings on the cave walls are truly impressive.


Duration of stay here:  40 minutes

Recommendation rating:  ★★★★★


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