Zeniarai Benten Shrine


The Zeniarai Benten Shrine in Kamakura is a popular power spot. I arrived via a route descending from Genjiyama Park.

The entrance is a cave carved into a cliff, and as you pass through it, a torii gate appears. The cool air creates a spiritual atmosphere. Enter into another world!

The ritual of washing money

  1. At the inner shrine, you place the money in a basket.
  2. You scoop the Zeniarai water with a ladle and gently pour it over the money three times.
  3. It is believed that the money you wash should be used for things that bring joy to others or for helpful purposes.

It's said that washing money can make it multiply. Since cash is used less these days, I tried pouring the water over my smartphone instead. (Not a great idea!)

The Torii Gate of Kamakura’s Five Famous Springs

The spring water at Zeniarai Benten Shrine is said to be one of Kamakura's Five Famous Springs.

There is a Shichifuku Chaya (Seven Lucky Gods Tea House) within the shrine grounds. The walls are covered with signs for dango, oden, and shiruko, among other treats. I definitely want to stop by next time.


Duration of stay here:  30 minutes

Recommendation rating:  ★★★★☆



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